Could your home survive a wildfire without firefighter protection? Consider the following:
The California Public Resources Code (PRC) Section 4291 requires property owners to maintain a defensible space around homes and other structures. Local regulations may stipulate additional requirements such as clearance along roadways and driveways. In the Deer Springs Fire Protection District, that clearance is 10 feet except for designated evacuation routes where the clearance must be 20 feet.
Inspectors from the San Diego County Fire Protection District and firefighters from the Deer Springs Fire Protection District and CAL FIRE are responsible for inspecting all properties in the District. It is the law. Failure to comply with the Defensible Space requirements can result in a citation. Repeated failure to comply could result in a fine and forced abatement, the cost of which would be added to the property's tax bill and can be very expensive.
In 2020, Assembly Bill 3074 was passed resulting in the addition of a third zone (Zone 0). This zone creates a 5-foot ember resistant area around Structures. Zone 0 is law in San Diego County and is incorporated into the 2023 San Diego County Consolidated Fire Code:
Sec. 4907.9.1 Zone 0 “Immediate Zone” 0-5’ Meaning from exterior wall surface or patio, deck or attachment to building or structure extending 5 feet on a horizontal plane. This zone shall be constructed of continuous hardscape or non-combustible materials. Removal of combustible materials surrounding the exterior wall area and maintaining area free and clear of combustible materials. The use of mulch and other combustible materials shall be prohibited.
The graphic below is courtesy of CAL FIRE and illustrates the basic requirements for defensible space. It has been modified to show Zone 1 extending to 50 feet (San Diego County) rather than 30 feet which is used elsewhere in the State. Obviously, these distances do not apply where they cannot be realized such as in smaller city lots or manufactured home communities. However, Zone 0 and many of the Zone 1 requirements on the following checklist can be met by most residents and will make your home more fire safe.
The following checklist is the minimum property owners should accomplish in order to comply with state and local ordinances, help make their property more fire safe, and increase their home's chances of surviving a wildfire.
This zone includes the area under and around all attached decks, and requires the most stringent wildfire fuel reduction. The ember-resistant zone is designed to keep fire or embers from igniting materials that can spread the fire to your home.
Zone I—Within 50 feet of all structures or to the property line:
Zone 2—Within 50-100 feet of all structures or to the property line:
Additional Requirements within I00 feet of all structures or to the property line:
Local Requirements:
Additional Information:
There are many sources of information to be found on the internet. Some are more specific to our area and some are generalized. Here are several we think are concise and worthwhile:
Last Update: 10 DEC 2024 Copyright © 2024 by Deer Springs Fire Safe Council. All Rights Reserved.