Fire Safety and Education Links
In the wake of the two catastrophic firestorms of 2003 and 2007 in San Diego County, a wealth of fire safety and prevention information has been published by local and state emergency response agencies. Below, you will find links to several of these sources. The list is, by no means, complete nor is it meant to refer you to the absolute authority on fire safety and prevention. The capricious nature of weather and fire behavior cannot be reduced to absolute rules or procedures.
The links below will provide you with a wealth of information on making your home and family more fire safe. Please visit them to begin your own odyssey of fire safe education by following their links to even more information.
Click on any of the services below to see a description and visit the website. was designed by the San Diego County Office of Emergency Services in conjunction with the Homeland Security national public service advertising campaign.
The Ready Campaign is designed to educate and empower Americans to prepare for and respond to emergencies, including natural disasters and potential terrorist attacks. The SD Emergency App is one of the available products for safety and education
Find the right actions to prepare your family and home for the next California wildfire at Ready for Wildfire. Create your wildfire action plan today.
The SD Emergency App contains disaster preparedness information, interactive checklists to help you to create your emergency plan, build an emergency supplies kit, and when disaster strikes; the SD Emergency App will keep you and your family informed with emergency updates, interactive emergency maps, and shelter locations.
It is available from the App Store and Google play.
Lots of info about Cal Fire and important topics in fire safety.
Firewise USA is Sponsored by the National Fire Protection Association's (NFPA) and will keep the reader busy for a long time.
Fire Adapted Communities offers information and specific actions you can take, no matter what your role, to reduce your risk to the next wildfire.
Livingwithfire is a website from Nevada but much is applicable to our area.
Last Update: 10 DEC 2024 Copyright © 2024 by Deer Springs Fire Safe Council. All Rights Reserved.