Perhaps you have experienced difficulty calling/texting family, or a friend during a county emergency like a wildfire or earthquake. It usually means the local area codes are overwhelmed, or cell towers and telephone poles are damaged by wildfire or earthquake. Everyone is calling or texting to find out who knows what about the emergency. The phone systems can get so busy they just stop receiving or sending voice, and/or text messages.
It is difficult, at any time, to not hear from someone you have attempted to contact! It is especially so during an emergency or disaster. We all want to know that everyone is safe! Preparation of a family communication plan should be an important part of your preparation.
Most of us have family or friends that live outside Southern California who may not be affected by a San Diego and/or Southern California emergency or disaster. One or more of these friends or family members should be designated as family emergency contacts. Those contacts can then become a relay point for all local family members to call with their status, location, and any other important information.
Make a plan that everyone knows ahead of time and exercise that plan twice a year! Be prepared and not surprised! Not being prepared creates fear and, perhaps worse, can lead us to make a poor decisions based on lack of information. A family communications plan is part of the Ready for Wildfire offerings and may be downloaded here.
Last Update: 10 DEC 2024 Copyright © 2024 by Deer Springs Fire Safe Council. All Rights Reserved.